Chicken Curry

 500 g Chicken ( all desired parts)
 3 cloves Garlic, minced
 1 pc Onion, chopped coarsely
 1 pc Bellpepper (Red or Green), chopped in squares
 350 g Cabbage; chopped in medium squares
 1 medium Carrots, chopped in thin oval
 1 tbsp Olive oil
 2 tbsp Soy sauce or Coco Aminos
 1 cup Coco Milk
 ½ cup water
 23 tsp Curry powder


In a large pan, heat oil in medium heat then fry chopped chicken until lightly browned and tender.


Slide the chicken at the side of the pan, saute garlic and onion until translucent then stir with the chicken.


Add curry powder, soy sauce then add the carrots , Lower the heat and cover then let it simmer for 4-5 minutes.


Put in the Cabbage and Coco milk and stir.


Add salt and pepper to taste, cover and let it simmer again for 5 minutes or until the meat and vegetables are tender.


Add the bellpepper, mix and cook for 2 minutes.


For thicker consistency, uncovered the pan and let all the excess liquids evaporate for few minutes or until desired, let the sauce reduce without overcooking.


Serve while it's hot.Enjoy!