Burger Bun

 125 g almond flour
 45 g psyllium powder
 10 g yeast
 240 ml water
 5 g salt
 10 ml apple cider vinegar
 3 egg whites
 sesame seeds


Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.


Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl.


Bring the water to a boil.


Add the vinegar and egg whites to the dry ingredients and mix well. Then add hot water and mix everything with a hand mixer for 30 seconds [/ cooked-timer]. Be careful not to mix too much. The consistency should look like Play Doh.


Moisten the hands with a little olive oil and form 6 balls with the paste obtained. Place them in a baking dish that has been greased beforehand.


Sprinkle with sesame seeds and bake for 50 minutes [/ cooked-timer].